Coaching Services

We’ll work together to bust through blocks & upper limits so that you can show up and create the life, career, or business you desire with fulfillment and ease.

I combine my training and skills as a Board Certified Nurse Coach and Certified Mastery Method Coach to work with you holistically on 5 levels of acceptance: somatic, emotional, mental, behavioral & unconscious. What you resist persists, and the only way is through!

Book a free clarity call!

board certified nurse coach Jen Yang builds business in  Outer Banks office

services + offerings

Adventurous self-mastery coach building business in Outer Banks office

My services


option one

Energetics to Strategy Mentorship (4 weeks)

A dynamic 4-week group mentorship space for new nurse coaches & coaches to leverage the right energy when starting a private coaching practice. We'll focus on the energetics of client creation, language, and practical tools to ease into business with guidance and support. Remember - cool and casual, like James Bond. See details & Sign up here.


option two

Holistic business mentorship (1 yEAR)

Business coaching for ambitious entrepreneurs at the beginning stages of their business to make their first $ or more $$$ with ease. Increase visibility & organically connect with your communities online & offline. Take the guesswork out of advancing your practice with high-level 1:1 and group support in this 1 Year hybrid space. Apply for a Clarity Call to see if we are a good fit!

option three

1:1 SELF MASTERY Coaching (6 moNTHS - 1 yr)

Holistic life coaching for humans seeking enhanced self-awareness and self-acceptance to love harder, connect deeper, and take bigger leaps for a life well-lived. In-person intensive included in 1 Year option. Apply for a Clarity Call to see if we are a good fit!


option four


For the woman who wants to invite wellness, nourishment, and adventure in her busy summer. Join like-minded women for a specially curated outdoor-focused wellness experience. More info coming soon.


Commitment payment is required to guarantee spot. Super flexible payment plans available. 

Holistic life coach Jen Yang leads adventurous retreat

the process


apply for a Clarity Call

co-create your personal roadmap

say hell yes to coaching! Onboarding & Logistics

Coaching & integration
Awareness -> Acceptance -> Aligned Action

intensive workshop or in-person Retreat

self-mastery life coach Jen Yang joyful on beach
Holistic life coach Jen Yang journals on beach

Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.

-les brown

Adventurous coach Jen Yang practices yoga on Outer Banks Beach
Business coach Jen Yang having coffee on beach at sunrise

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